YOUR MILIEU | Arthill Gallery
21st October-24 th October 2021
伦敦Arthill雅山艺术画廊展出分别来自Royal Collage of Art、University of Art London以及Kingston School of Art的青年艺术家联展,展期将从10月21号持续至24号。
· Exhibition site ·

· 开幕现场 ·
· Opening scene ·

· 特别感谢 ·
· special thanks ·
Supporter’s Message – Chadart Limited
Chadart is delighted to be a supporter of this month’s ‘Your Milieu’ and warmly welcomes the talented group of participating artists from China and around the world. The artworks on display represent a very creative collaboration between graduates and students of the Royal College of Art (RCA), University of the Arts London (UAL) and Kingston University London - School of Art (KSA).
The theme of this exhibition ‘Your Milieu’ is often used with reference to the social world and location of artists. In the past the French ‘juste milieu’, meaning happy medium, reflected artistic forms that offered a middle ground between the traditional and the modern.
Today, creating a milieu in which different voices and experiences can find expression is of great importance, since creative people are attracted to places most conducive to creative activity
This exhibition will provide some fascinating insights into how artists see themselves and their world, and ways in which they want to show this to others. As a viewer of art, this can help us in understanding why and how artists interact as they do in particular cultural milieu, often sparked by various stimuli.
The act of making art is one of humanity's most ubiquitous activities, a kind of cultural production system in today’s consumer-driven world. If a creative milieu does not confer competitive advantages, then artists would have a strong incentive to move to the most creative places.
With this in mind, we wish ‘Your Milieu’ and all the participating artists every success.
Michael Cherrington, Intenational Director & Co-Founder